Monday, September 29, 2008

The Faith of a Small Child

My husband, Randy, and I both grew up with brothers who drummed. You can't really understand the impact of that statement unless you have/had a drummer in the family.

This is the story of our youngest son, Ryan, and his journey to drumming. It began about a month ago when Ryan seemed to become obsessed with asking for drums. Knowing what this meant for the family, Randy and I were reluctant to make any promises. However, I felt impressed one day during a conversation with Ryan to encourage him to ask God. I quoted scripture about asking anything in His name and He will do it (John 14:14); ask and you will receive (John 16:24).

Well, ask he did. He began writing journal entries at school and drawing pictures of himself at a drumset. One morning he woke up very upset because he said, "I asked Jesus for drums last night and they're not here." That's what we call "the faith of a small child".

That same week a friend approached me in the school/church parking lot and asked me if I knew anyone who would be interested in a junior drumset. They had bought it for their son in May and it was too small for him. I very calmly began asking questions and then told her that Ryan had been asking God for a drumset. She proceeded to tell me that she had Ryan in mind when they decided to sell the set. A few days later she called to let me know that she and her husband decided to GIVE the set to Ryan. God heard Ryan's prayer and answered it, but get this...remember that the set was bought in May and they hadn't made the decision to get rid of it until just recently....right about the time Ryan's heart was ready to ask for it.

Now, that's a great story! Right? It's not over! God answers prayers in a BIG way...fully and completely. Ryan's favorite color is black. The set is black. Ryan also asked for a book so that he could learn how to play. This family threw in a VIDEO for him to have so that he can learn to play. It also comes with a stool and sticks. He's all set and ready to play. He's even trying to figure out how to get them to church!

He began playing soon after we had it set up in his room. I was in another room helping my other son with homework. Ryan came out several times to ask if we could hear him. Of course, we all could. ;-) However, there was one time he came out, grinning ear to ear. I heard him singing a song as he was playing. I couldn't understand the words, but God knows what he was singing. He came out and said in a half-giggle voice "I am playing for the Lord." You can't imagine how it felt to hear that.

If you think God doesn't care or hear you when you pray, be encouraged. We give these testimonies so that you can be edified and God is glorified. It's all for Him!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Do Something Visible

I have a friend, Phil Cross, who is a gifted, Dove Award-winning song writer and singer. He wrote a song that one of my "faves", Mitchel Jon, sings and I sooo love it. It's called "Something Visible". You just won't be able to get it out of your head...more importantly, out of your spirit. It's a profession type of song that says "I will do something visible for the Invisible One". It's one of those songs that you just don't dare sing if you don't mean it. I can't hear or sing it without thinking, "okay, what am I doing? am I running away from those who need me? am I loving my neighbor as I should?"

Here's the challenge for me and for you if you will accept. First, realize who you serve. Second, thank Him for all you have and for saving you. Third, decide what visible thing you're going to do for the Invisible One. The last part of the song says "somebody's watching; somebody's looking at you; little eyes are watching everything you do; the world is watching you and me; you gotta think about what they see." That's your kids, grandkids, neighbor, fellow pew pal, co-worker, employee, the "that" person in your life, etc. Sobering thought, isn't it?

If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and would like to, it's very simple. I know, you would think that God who created this world and everything in it that it would be complicated, but it's not. See, He loves You and when someone loves a person they make themselves very accessible. You do that for the people you love, right? So does He! Find a Bible or go to and look up these verses - John 1:1; Romans 3:10; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-10 and John 3:16.

Simply pray this prayer..."God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!"

If you've prayed that prayer for the first time and are not involved in a local church, I encourage you to find a Bible believing church in your area and let the pastor know of your decision. Welcome to the family!

I have music players from Phil and Mitchel on this blog. I hope you will listen. It may or may not be your "thing/style", but stop a minute and listen to the words. You will be blessed. Phil is one of my favorite Psalmists and my very own "Scarecrow". That's for you, Phil. ;-)

Love to all!

Tests and Homework and Book Reports, OH MY!

I'm learning what it must have been like for my parent's as they trudged through homework, dance, band, baseball, etc. with three kids. I only have 2, so I have a real appreciation for what it must have been like for 2 full time working parents to raise 3 full time kids! LOL

Today is Friday, my day "off" from church and as I'm trying to build this new site I get a phone call from my husband. My son has left one of his study guides at home. So, what do I do? I sit on the phone with him for the next several minutes reviewing for one of his tests today. While this is something that shouldn't have happened (I told him 3 times to make sure he had everything in his backpack...can I get a witness?), I was glad to help him with it. Cell phones - a luxury my parents didn't have in their "kids lane".

I'm thankful for this time. It's trying, yes. It's busier than I'd like, yes. Would I trade it? No.