I had someone tell me recently that I needed to put the devotionals I've been doing on Lazarus "down on paper". Well, I guess in this day and time a blog IS "down on paper"! I'm going to do this in 3 parts, which is how I presented it in devotional time with my staff.
Read John 11:1-16
First, let's take a look at verse 4. "Jesus knew his sickness would not end in death." Okay, now, when I hear that then I take it for face value and believe that he will be made well and NOT die. I feel certain that others thought that as well. Jesus stayed put for 2 more days, then Jesus said, "let's go back to Judea".
The disciples, the brilliant, sweet people that they were, reminded Jesus that those were the very people who had tried to stone him. But Jesus had to go to Lazarus because, in His words, he was "asleep" and he had to go there to "wake him up". Again, these sweet disciples in all their wisdom informed Jesus that if he were only asleep then he would get better on his own. Verse 14 tells us that Jesus had to speak "plainly" to them and tell them that he's dead. He went on to tell them that for their sake He was glad that He had not been there so that the disciples could finally believe. Sometimes He does things that we really don't get so that we will believe. It's not mean...it's parenting...it's teaching...it's compassion.
I love verse 16 when Thomas says, "Let us also go, that we may die with him." I'm sorry, but that makes me laugh out loud. It's hard to say if he was being brave and saying "where you go, we'll go" or if he was being stupid because he was living a woeful attitude of "we're all going to die now...here we go....get the funeral procession in line...dead man walking..."
Not wanting to end with Thomas, let's look back up at verses 9 & 10. Jesus responded to the statement about stoning with this, "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light." Where are your feet? Where are you walking? What are you facing? Have you given up like Thomas and just decided that you're a dead man walking? Understand, it's not always a physical thing for everyone. How many people are walking around dead on the inside? Terminal....in YOUR eyes; NOT HIS!
Are you walking in the Light? Jesus says in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." I don't know about you, but I'd rather be in the Light where nothing can hide!
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