Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Freedom - My Thoughts on John 11, the Story of Lazarus (Part 3)

Read John 11:38-44

These verses take us to death's door. I love this story and the way you can hear and feel His compassion coming through the words. Isn't it wonderful to know how He is moved by our hurts? Such love!

Jesus simply said "Take away the stone." Sounds simple enough, but Martha being the practical-thinking woman she was, explained how if they did that then there would be a bad odor because he'd been there for four days. Don't you know that death stinks? Our sin-nature stinks! It's putrid. However, there is the "but God" moment of "when you believe". Jesus says in verse 40, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"

Then Jesus looked up (from where does your help come from??) and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard me. I knew that You always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that You sent me."

He always hears, but do we always believe? He said those things for the benefit of those hearing Him SO THAT THEY WOULD BELIEVE THE FATHER SENT HIM.

When Jesus spoke his name - "Lazarus, come out!" - the funniest thing happened. He obeyed. Lazarus came out, but he was still dressed in his grave clothes. His hands and feet were wrapped and there was a cloth around his face. We can be wrapped in sin and bound to the things of this world. It wasn't until Jesus said "take off the grave clothes and let him go" that he could walk away from that which had bound him in his death.

Step One - obey. Walk out of the pit when Jesus calls your name.

Step Two - get rid of the grave clothes. It may require others helping you and praying with you.

Step Three - let go. Don't turn back. Walk away from the grave and leave the things that bound you to it behind.

The things of your past do not have to bind you in your present or in your future. There is freedom. He is the resurrection and the life! Do you believe this?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Freedom - My Thoughts on John 11, the Story of Lazarus (Part 2)

Read John 11:17-37

So, here they go to Bethany, otherwise known to Thomas as their "death march". Martha goes to Jesus and leaves Mary at the house. I think this is very much in character for her. She wants to know the when, where, how and why not! I find it interesting that Jesus chooses this conversation to declare once again who He is.

Listen to what He says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

I read that and I hear the power in those words. However, Martha who was living out a nightmare, simply retorts '"Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world." And when she had said these things, she went her way and secretly called Mary her sister, saying, "The Teacher has come and is calling for you."' I could be completely wrong, but when I read that I hear obligation on Martha's part. It wasn't really what she wanted to hear from Him, but not wanting to deny Him she made her confession and left. Following that same logic, I think she was basically saying to Mary "you go deal with the Teacher...I can't do this right now".

Be honest. How many times have you felt that way? How many times have we done the exact same thing? He speaks, but it doesn't always line up with what we had in mind. Yet, remember that Martha still believed. She said, "I know that God will give You whatever You ask." She had faith! Oh, yes she did!

And then, there is Mary. When she hears of His arrival she runs to Him. Side note: have you noticed that Jesus only went so far and that the women had to go to Him? He will make Himself known, but it's up to us to take the steps toward Him for relationship and reward.

Jesus was moved and troubled when He saw her and those with her weeping. He hurts when You hurt. Verses 35 & 36 say, "Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, 'See how He loved him.'" Jesus knew what miracle He would perform that day. I don't think he wept because of Lazarus. I think He wept because of the compassion He felt for the people crying at His feet.

He loves you. He loves deeply. He is moved by your tears. He is moved by your prayers.

These are the complete lyrics to Jesus Loves Me. Let it be your confession today.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.

Jesus loves me! This I know,
As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee,
Saying, “Let them come to Me.”

Jesus loves me when I'm good,
When I do the things I should,
Jesus loves me when I'm bad,
Though it makes Him very sad.

Jesus loves me still today,
Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live.

Jesus loves me! He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.

Jesus loves me! Loves me still
Tho' I'm very weak and ill;
That I might from sin be free
Bled and died upon the tree.

Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way;
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for Thee.

Jesus loves me! See His grace!
On the cross He took my place.
There He suffered and He died,
That I might be glorified.

Jesus loves me! God's own Son
Over sin the vict'ry won.
When I die, saved by His grace,
I shall see Him face to face.