Friday, September 26, 2008

Tests and Homework and Book Reports, OH MY!

I'm learning what it must have been like for my parent's as they trudged through homework, dance, band, baseball, etc. with three kids. I only have 2, so I have a real appreciation for what it must have been like for 2 full time working parents to raise 3 full time kids! LOL

Today is Friday, my day "off" from church and as I'm trying to build this new site I get a phone call from my husband. My son has left one of his study guides at home. So, what do I do? I sit on the phone with him for the next several minutes reviewing for one of his tests today. While this is something that shouldn't have happened (I told him 3 times to make sure he had everything in his backpack...can I get a witness?), I was glad to help him with it. Cell phones - a luxury my parents didn't have in their "kids lane".

I'm thankful for this time. It's trying, yes. It's busier than I'd like, yes. Would I trade it? No.


LOLI said...

Hey, it looks great. This is going to be fun!

Anonymous said...

It's called the abundant life for a reason.

Enjoy...keep a heart and journal of gratitude!